Explore all the discounts and deals available for CHEERS courses and certifications here!
ConSol is the premier training partner for CHEERS courses and certifications. As the only Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Provider in California, CHEERS is approved and regulated by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to train, certify, and oversee the performance of HERS Raters - professionals who verify a building's compliance with the California Energy Code.
ConSol partners with utilities, public agencies, non-profit organizations and workforce development groups to offer discounted industry training to individuals entering the building energy sector and professionals seeking enhanced career pathways.
Current Programs
Learn more about our exclusive and industry-approved trainings and certifications.
Participants in select geographies may be eligible to receive the trainings and certifications at discounted costs, or potentially zero cost, in addition to access to program-exclusive trainings and live webinars.
Enter your zip code below to check your eligibility.
Participants who live, work, or go to school within the Southern California Gas (SCG) service territory are eligible to receive free HERS Rater Certification (valued at $1,950) as well as additional CHEERS trainings (on-demand and live webinar). All you need is access to a computer and the internet.
ConSol offers our growing course catalog of building science, HERS (certification and more), and home energy efficiency coursework at up to a 25% discount to Training Partner organizations.
Our team delivers a combination of live instructor-led webinars with participant Q&A, and remote on-demand learning modules that trainees can take at any time. Select geographies may also be eligible for in-person training at your facility or ours.
There are three easy steps to become a Training Partner with ConSol:
1) Sign our Partner Contract to provide funding to fully subsidize or offer discounted coursework for your trainees,
2) Team with ConSol for joint marketing and outreach to your target audience, and
3) ConSol handles all webinar and training execution, including delivery of a regular training metrics report.
Reach out to Training@ConSol.org so our team can learn more about your needs and partner with you to deliver training coursework for your target audience.
1610 R St., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811