We develop and implement technical trainings that educate builders, installers, utilities and other stakeholders on energy code impacts and compliance of new technologies, advanced construction techniques, high-efficiency equipment and materials, and other cost-effective, innovative deployment strategies. Our deeply knowledgeable staff ensures that training content and materials are up to date based on best practices and changing codes, and we also conduct thoughtful research and analysis to tailor sessions to meet attendee needs and goals.
Over the last four decades, ConSol has perfected training programs to ensure that professionals in the building and utility industries are equipped with the technical knowledge and tactical skills to implement energy efficient, code-compliant, and sustainable building practices.
Participants who live, work, or go to school within the Southern California Gas (SCG) service territory are eligible to receive free HERS Rater Certification (valued at $1,500 - $2,200) as well as additional CHEERS trainings (on-demand and live webinar). All you need is access to a computer and the internet.
1610 R St., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811