Who We Work With

Builders and Manufacturers

“ConSol has a deep understanding of the energy codes and standards from a home builders perspective – including the importance of high-quality construction practices and risk management. They provide great value in in reviewing emerging technologies and determining the most cost-effective energy code compliance strategies for the California market.”
Jim Peterson
Vice President

Detailed code analysis while making informed decisions about energy efficient technologies and practices.

We help builders and manufacturers prepare for the financial and operational impacts of energy code changes, as well as provide strategic guidance during the code development cycle to ensure that the new rules are cost effective, practical, and implementable for the industry. We also work with relevant regulatory bodies to ensure builders’ needs receive formal recognition in energy design calculations for building compliance and performance.

We leverage advanced modeling capabilities to conduct technical analyses that quantify the energy, carbon, and cost impacts of new technologies, policies, and building practices. In particular, our energy simulation modeling has been pivotal in helping manufacturers understand code and technical opportunities for existing products and products under development.

Case Study

A. O. Smith and Rheem

ConSol worked with various heat pump water heating manufacturers to determine the value of thermal storage on reducing peak load.
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Builders and Manufacturers

Get in touch with us.

Office location

1610 R St., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811

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