ConSol takes energy modeling and analysis to the next level to answer critical questions and provide actionable insights for forward-looking developers, builders, and manufacturers.
We support developers and energy consultants in developing cost-effective ways to meet both statewide standards and local reach codes by exploring the economics of market-accepted and emerging energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy storage measures. We also work with builders and manufacturers to determine whether the benefits of different practices are being properly captured and advise on actions that ensure that they can be fully credited in the future.
Our deep understanding of compliance software enables us to thoughtfully incorporate the real impacts of changes in assumptions, technology, and building practices to produce more accurate and up-to-date assessments.
Participants who live, work, or go to school within the Southern California Gas (SCG) service territory are eligible to receive free HERS Rater Certification (valued at $1,500 - $2,200) as well as additional CHEERS trainings (on-demand and live webinar). All you need is access to a computer and the internet.
1610 R St., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95811